Become a member

Harlem Valley Rail Trail Association Membership Information

Become a Rail Trail Association Member!

Becoming a member of the Harlem Valley Rail Trail Association enables you to make a direct contribution to completing the trail and making it the best it can possibly be.

The association is not for profit. It exists to perform the following tasks:

  • coordinate a volunteer trail maintenance program on completed sections;

  • promote completion of the trail all the way to Chatham;

  • provide Trail users with information about the natural world they are passing through;

  • develop and purchase trail amenities such as signs and benches;

  • promote safe use of the trail.

The Harlem Valley Rail Trail will be a vital part of our community for years to come. Please consider becoming a HVRTA member and help make the trail a total success.

You can become a member by printing out our Membership HVRTA Form or online through PayPal.

Please mail it to the address below with a check or money order.